Anales de la RANM

173 A N A L E S R A N M R E V I S T A F U N D A D A E N 1 8 7 9 LAS ENFERMEDADES QUE PRODUCE EL CORONAVIRUS José Ramón de Berrazueta Fernández An RANM · Año 2020 · número 137 (02) · páginas 161 a 173 30. Hu H, Ma F, Wei X, Fang Y. Coronavirus fulminant myocarditis treated with glucocorticoid and hu- man immunoglobulin. Eur Heart J, 16 March 2020. ehaa190, 10.1093/eurheartj/ehaa190 31. The RECOVERY Collaborative Group. Dexa- methasone in Hospitalized Patients with Co- vid-19 — Preliminary Report. published on July 17, 2020, N Engl J .Med DOI: 10.1056/ NEJMoa2021436 32. Giustino G, Croft LB, Oates CP et al. Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy in COVID-19. J Amer Col Car- diol 2020; 76: 628-635. 33. Sala S, Peretto G, Gramegna M et al. Acute myo- carditis presenting as a reverse Tako-Tsubo syn- drome in a patient with SARS-CoV-2 respiratory infection. Eur Heart J. 2020; 41:1861-1862. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehaa28 34. Driggin E, Madhavan MV, Bikdeli B, et al. Cardio- vascular considerations for patients, health care workers, and health systems during the corona- virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2020 , 75 2352-2371. 35. Abdelaziz HK, Abdelrahman A, Nabi A et al. Im- pact of COVID-19 pandemic on patients with ST- segment elevation myocardial infarction: Insights from a British cardiac center. Amer Heart J 2020; 226: 45-48. 36. Nuche J, Pérez-Olivares C, Segura de la Cal T et al. Clinical course of COVID-19 in pulmonary arterial hypertension patients. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2020. 37. Messerli FH, Siontis , Rexhaj E. COVID-19 and Renin Angiotensin Blockers: Current Eviden- ce and Recommendations. Circulation 2020. 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA. 120.047022 UP- DATED 4/17/20 38. Mancia G, Rea F,Ludergnani M, Apolone G, Co- rrao G. Renin–Angiotensin–Aldosterone System Blockers and the Risk of Covid-19. published on May 1, 2020, at N Engl J Med DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2006923 39. Ackermann M, Verleden SE, Kuehnel M et al. Pulmonary Vascular Endothelialitis, Throm- bosis, and Angiogenesis in Covid-19. N Engl J Med 2020. May 21, 2020 DOI: 10.1056/NEJ- Moa2015432) 40. Yang X, Yu Y, Xu J et al. Clinical course and out- comes of critically ill patients with SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a single-centered, retrospective, observational study. Lancet 2020. Published online February 21, 2020 2600(20)30079-5) 41. Mao R, Qiu Y, He JS et al. Manifestations and prognosis of gastrointestinal and liver involve- ment in patients with COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol 2020. Published Online May 12, 2020 S2468-1253(20)30126-6 42. Chung SJ, Tan EK, Kee T, et al. Practical Consi- derations for Solid Organ Transplantation Du- ring the COVID-19 Global Outbreak: The Expe- rience from Singapore. Transplant International 2020;6:e554. 43. Rochlani Y, Pothineni NV, Kovelamudi S, Mehta JL. Metabolic syndrome: pathophysiology, mana- gement, and modulation by natural compounds. Ther Adv Cardiovasc Dis 2017; 11:215-225. 1753944717711379 44. Fang L, Karakiulakis G, Roth M. Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at in- creased risk for COVID-19 infection? Lancet 2020 March 11. 2600(20)30116-8. 45. Benezit F, Le Turnier P, Declerck Ch, et al. Util- ity of hyposmia and hypogeusia for the diagnosis of COVID-19. Lancet Infect Dis 2020. Published Online April 15, 2020 S1473-3099(20)30297-8 46. Helms J, Kremer S, Merdji H, Clere-Jehl R, Schenck M, Kummer- len C, et al. Neurologic fea- tures in severe SARS-CoV-2 infection. N Engl J Med. 2020. letter at Letter published on April 15, 2020, at . DOI: 10.1056/ NEJMc2008597 47. Varatharaj A, Thomas N, Ellul MA, et al. Neu- rological and neuropsychiatric complications of COVID-19 in 153 patients: a UK-wide surveil- lance study. Lancet 2020. psychiatry Published online June 25, 2020 https:// 20)30287-X 48. Sarma P, Kaur H, Kaur H et al. Ocular Mani- festations and Tear or Conjunctival Swab PCR Positivity for 2019-nCoV in Patients with CO- VID-19: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (3/30/2020). Available at SSRN: abstract= 3566161 or 10.2139/ ssrn.3566161 49. Tammaro A, Adebanjo GAR, Parisella FR, Pez- zuto A, Rello J. Cutaneous manifestations in CO- VID-19: the experiences of Barcelona and Rome. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2020 ;34:e306-e307. doi: 10.1111/jdv.16530. 50. Centers for disease control and prevention. Coro- navirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Updated July 1, 2020. DECLARACIÓN DE TRANSPARENCIA El autor/a de este artículo declara no tener ningún tipo de conflicto de intereses respecto a lo expuesto en el presente trabajo. Si desea citar nuestro artículo: Berrazueta-Fernández J. R. Las enfermedades que produce el coronavirus ANALES RANM [Internet]. Real Academia Nacional de Medicina de España; An RANM · Año 2020 · número 137 (02) · páginas 161 – 173 DOI: 10.32440/ar.2020.137.02. rev08