Anales de la RANM

130 A N A L E S R A N M R E V I S T A F U N D A D A E N 1 8 7 9 NEUROTHERAPEUTICS FOR ADHD Katya Rubia An RANM. 2021;138(02): 124- 131 1. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnos- tic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. American Psychiatric Association, 5th ed.; Ame- rican Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. Washing- ton, DC., 2013. books.9780890425596 2. Thomas R, Sanders S, Doust J, Beller E, Glasziou P. Prevalence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Pediatrics. 2015; 135(4): E994-E1001. 3. Rubia K. Functional Neuroimaging across deve- lopment: a review. Eur Child Adoles Psy. 2013; 22(12): 719-731 4. Pievsky MA, McGrath RE. The neurocognitive profile of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a review of meta-analyses. Arch Clin Neuropsych. 2018; 33(2): 1431-1457. 5. Rubia K, Halari R, Christakou A, Taylor E. 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