Anales de la RANM

248 A N A L E S R A N M R E V I S T A F U N D A D A E N 1 8 7 9 Laura Morales An RANM. 2021;138(03): 246 - 255 ASSOCIATION BETWEEN VASCULAR AND STRUCTURAL PARAMETERS Macular scans (6x6mm) centred on the fovea were obtained for each PCG patient. And Angioplex TM automatically calculate 2 macular parameters: macular vascular density (the total length of blood vessel from the skeletonized image to the total area, mVD, mm 1 ); and macular perfusion density (the total area of perfused vasculature per unit area, mPD, %). The macular scan is subdivided into the Early Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) map: central circle (cC) within the 1-mm central FIGURE 1 A. FIGURE 1 B. FIGURE 1 C. FIGURE 1 D. Figure 1. 1 Angiography slabs of the optic nerve head 4.5x4.5mm scan showing the radial peripapillary capillary (1a) and superficial angiography slabs of the 6×6 mm macular scan (1.b) obtained using OCT Cirrus 5000 (1.b) in a PCG eye. Repre- sentative OCT scans of cpRNFL thickness (1.c) and macular GCL+IPL analisis (1.d) in a PCG eye.