Anales de la RANM

252 A N A L E S R A N M R E V I S T A F U N D A D A E N 1 8 7 9 Laura Morales An RANM. 2021;138(03): 246 - 255 ASSOCIATION BETWEEN VASCULAR AND STRUCTURAL PARAMETERS Table 4. Correlation of the main retinal OCT-A parameters with structural and functional tests in glaucomatous eyes. Global FI Superior FI Inferior FI quadrant Nasal FI quadrant Temporal FI quadrant Global pPD Inferior pPD quadrant Disc area 0.140 P=0.403 0.119 P=0.477 0.090 P=0.597 0.175 P=0.315 0.018 P=0.917 0.180 P=0.279 0.090 P=0.597 Rim area 0.704 P<0.001 0.687 P<0.001 0.706 P<0.001 0.776 P<0.001 0.537 P=0.001 0.652 P<0.001 0.706 P<0.001 Average C/D ratio -0.645 P<0.001 -0.628 P<0.001 -0.663 P<0.001 -0.702 P<0..001 -0.501 P=0.002 -0.554 P<0.001 -0.663 P<0.001 Vertical C/D ratio -0.703 P<0.001 -0.688 P<0.001 -0.727 P<0.001 -0.748 P<0.001 -0.586 P<0.001 -0.632 <0.001 -0.727 P<0.001 Average cpRNFL 0.707 P<0.001 0.706p <0.001 0.752 P<0.001 0.694 P<0.001 0.694 P<0.001 0.722 p<0.001 0.752 P<0.001 Cup volume -0.455 P=0.004 -0.449 P=0.005 -0.497 P=0.002 -0.525 P=0.001 -0.373 P=0.025 -0.368 P=0.023 -0.531 P=0.001 Superior RNFL thickness 0.686 P<0.001 0.685 P<0.001 0.660 P<0.001 0.681 P<0.001 0.681 P<0.001 0.703 <0.001 0.679 P<0.001 Inferior RNFL thickness 0.669p <0.001 0.665 P<0.001 0.659 P<0.001 0.667 P<0.001 0.645 P<0.001 0.664 <0.001 0.740 P<0.001 Nasal RNFL thickness 0.542 P<0.001 0.542 P<0.001 0.577 P<0.001 0.537 P=0.001 0.498 P=0.002 0.498 P=0.001 0.571 P<0.001 Temporal RNFL thickness 0.477 P=0.002 0.485 P=0.002 0.471 P=003 0.432 P=0.010 0.512 P=0.001 0.561 p<0.001 0.527 P=0.001 Average GCL+IPL thickness 0.568 P<0.001 r=0.593 P<0.001 0.535 P=0.001 0.574 P<0.001 0.509 P=0.002 0.510 P=0.001 0.579 P<0.001 Minimun GCL+IPL thickness 0.521 P=0.001 r=0.532 P=0.001 0.485 P=0.003 0.533 P=0.001 0.462 P=0.005 0.417 P=0.011 0.507 P=0.002 OCT-A: ocular coherence tomography angiography; OCT: ocular coherence tomography; PCG: primary congenital glaucoma; GCL+IPL = ganglion cell layer+inner plexiform layer; cC: central circle; iC: inner circle; oC: outer circle; w: full macular value; mPD: macular perfusion density; VD: vascular density; FAZ: foveal avascular zone. AI: the acircularity index.