Anales de la RANM
198 A N A L E S R A N M R E V I S T A F U N D A D A E N 1 8 7 9 CÁNCER DE PENE EN UN HOSPITAL DE TERCER NIVEL DE LA CIUDAD DE MÉXICO Angulo Lozano JC, et al. An RANM. 2022;139(02): 196 - 201 The treatment for penis cancer in the study group included surgical total resection, surgical partial resection, adjuvant chemotherapy and adjuvant radiotherapy. 45 (48.4%) had total resection of the penis, 34 (36.6%) had partial resection of the penis and 14 (15.1%) of the patients did not have surgical management. 21 (22.5%) had lymph node resection. 81 (87.1%) patients did not require adjuvant chemotherapy and 12 (12.9%) were treated with adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy. At 24 months after diagnosis 79 (84.9%) patients were alive, 6 (6.5%) died of cancer related causes, 6(6.5%) died of other causes and 2 (2.2%) died of chemotherapy toxicity. The results of the study show the prevalence of the principal risk factors for penile cancer mentioned previously in literature (9,10,11) and the frequency that these are present in a tertiary care hospital. The mean age at diagnosis was at the sixth decade of life (57 years), the same reported in the Mexican population previously by Chaux et al. (5,6) while in the United States the mean age of presentation is at 70 years (24). More than half of the population of our study group were smokers (55.9%), smoking is known to be a risk factor for penile squamous cell carcinoma and multiple malignancies (25). All of the patients of the study were uncircumcised, in Mexico the circumci- sion prevalence ranges between 10-31% and this could be attributed to the fact that circumci- sion is a protective factor for penile cancer and a higher incidence in countries with low circumci- Table1.- Risk factors and outcomes means, and frequencies reported in the population with penile cancer. All the patients were uncircumcised. Results of study population n=93 Age (years) 57.87 ± 12.93 Smoking status (%) 52 (55.9%) Uncircumcised (%) 93 (100%) HPV + (%) 16 (17.2%) Squamous Cell Carcinoma (%) 80 (86%) Vascular invasion (%) 76 (81.7%) Table 2.- Surgical treatment performed in the penile cancer population and frequency of lymph node resection per surgical treatment. Surgical treatment n=93 Lymph node resection (n=22) Total resection of the penis (%) 45 (48.4%) 15 (68.1%) Partial resection of the penis (%) 34 (36.6%) 7 (31.9%) Not surgical treatment (%) 14 (15.2%) 0 (0%) Table 3.- Adjuvant therapy performed showing that more than half of the patients that needed Chemotherapy + Radiotherapy died within 24 months. Adjuvant treatment n=93 Death at 24 months (n=14) Chemotherapy + Radiotherapy 12 (12.9%) 8 (57.1%) No adjuvant therapy 81 (87.1%) 6 (42.9%) Table 4.- Causes of death during the 24-month follow up in penile cancer patients. Cause of dead n=14 Cancer related causes 6 (42.8%) Other causes 6 (42.8%) Chemotherapy toxicity 2 (14.4%) DISCUSSION