Anales de la RANM
30 A N A L E S R A N M R E V I S T A F U N D A D A E N 1 8 7 9 ATEROESCLEROSIS Y LUPUS Vargas Núñez JA, et al. An RANM. 2023;140(01):24 - 30 with systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis Rheum. 2004; 50(1): 151-159. 37. Tso TK, Huang WN, Huang HY, Chang CK. As- sociation of brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity with cardiovascular risk factors in systemic lu- pus erythematosus. Lupus. 2005; 14(11): 878- 883. 38. Sabio JM, Vargas-Hitos J, Zamora-Pasadas M et al. Metabolic syndrome is associated with increased arterial stiffness and biomarkers of subclinical atherosclerosis in patients with sys- temic lupus erythematosus. J Rheumatology. 2009; 36(10): 2204-2211. 39. Maksimowicz-McKinnon K, Magder LS, Pe- tri M. Predictors of carotid atherosclerosis in systemic lupus erythematosus. J Rheum. 2006; 33(12): 2458-2463. 40. Muscari A, Bozzoli C, Puddu GM et al. Associa- tion of serum C3 levels with the risk of myocar- dial infarction. Am J Med. 1995; 98(4): 357-364. 41. Manger K, Kusus M, Forster C et al. Factors as- sociated with coronary artery calcification in young female patients with SLE. Ann Rheum Dis. 2003; 62(9): 846-850. 42. Thompson T, Sutton-Tyrrell K, Wildman RP et al. Progression of carotid intima-media thick- ness and plaque in women with systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis Rheum. 2008; 58(3): 835-842. 43. Bulkley BH, Roberts W. The heart in systemic lupus erythematosus and the changes induced in it by corticosteroid therapy: a study of 36 ne- cropsy patients. Am J Med. 1975; 58(2): 243- 264. 44. Karp I, Abrahamowicz M, Fortin PR et al. Re- cent corticosteroid use and recent disease activi- ty: Independent determinants of coronary heart disease risk factors in systemic lupus erythema- tosus? Arthritis Rheum. 2008; 59(2): 169-175. 45. Werner N, Kosiol S, Schiegl T et al. Circulating endothelial progenitor cells and cardiovascular outcomes. N Engl J Med. 2005; 353(10): 999- 1007. 46. Chironi G, Walch L, Pernollet MG et al. Decrea- sed number of circulating CD34+KDR+ cells in asymptomatic subjects with preclinical atheros- clerosis. Atherosclerosis. 2007; 191(1): 115-120. 47. Baker JF, Zhang L, Imadojemu S et al. Circula- ting endothelial progenitor cells are reduced in SLE in the absence of coronary artery calcifica- tion. Rheumatol Int. 2012; 32(4): 997-1002. 48. Robak E, Kierstan M, Cebula B et al. Circula- ting endothelial cells and angiogenic proteins in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Lupus. 2009; 18(4): 332-341. 49. Castejón R, Jiménez-Ortiz C, Rosado S, Tutor- Ureta P, Mellor-Pita S, Yebra-Bango M. Meta- bolic syndrome is associated with decreased circulating endothelial progenitor cells and increased arterial stiffness in systemic lupus erythematosus. Lupus. 2016; 25 (2): 129-136. 50. Castejón R, Jiménez-Ortiz C, Valero-González S, Rosado S, Mellor-Pita S, Yebra-Bango M. De- creased circulating endothelial progenitor cells as an early risk factor of subclinical atheroscle- rosis in systemic lupus erythematosus. Rheu- matology. 2014; 53(4): 631-638. Si desea citar nuestro artículo: Vargas Núñez JA, Yebra Bango M, Mellor Pita S, Tutor de Ureta P, Durán del Campo P, Castejón Díaz R. Ateroesclerosis y lupus eritematoso sistémico. An RANM. 2023;140(01): 24– 30. DOI: 10.32440/ar.2023.140.01. rev03