Anales de la RANM

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Sci Med Heal 2020: EMA/CHMP/ ICH/415588/2020. 21. Tisdale JE, Chung MK, Campbell KB et al. Drug-induced arrhythmias: a scientific state- ment from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2020; 142: E214-E233. 22. Fradley MG, Beckie TM, Brown SA et al. Recogni- tion, prevention, and management of arrhythmias and autonomic disorders in cardio-oncology: a scientific statement from the American Heart As- sociation. Circulation. 2021; 144: E41-E55. 23. Zeppenfeld K, Tfelt-Hansen J, de Riva M et al. 2022 ESC Guidelines for the management of patients with ventricular arrhythmias and the prevention of sudden cardiac death. Eur Heart J. 2022; 43: 3997-4126. 24. Suter TM, Ewer MS. Cancer drugs and the heart: Importance and management. Eur Heart J. 2013; 34: 1102-1111. 25. Riccio G, Coppola C, Piscopo G et al. Trastuzu- mab and target-therapy side effects: Is still valid to differentiate anthracycline Type I from Type II cardiomyopathies? Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2016; 12(5): 1124-1131. 26. 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Effi- cacy of neurohormonal therapies in preventing cardiotoxicity in patients with cancer under- going chemotherapy. JACC CardioOncology. 2019; 1: 54-65. 34. Li X, Li Y, Zhang T, Xiong X et al. Role of car-