Anales de la RANM

168 A N A L E S R A N M R E V I S T A F U N D A D A E N 1 8 7 9 LA TOXICIDAD CARDIOVASCULAR DE LOS FÁRMACOS ANTICANCEROSOS Tamargo J An RANM. 2023;140(02):153 - 168 dioprotective agents on chemotherapy-induced heart failure: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Pharmacol Res. 2020; 151: 104577. 35. Fang K, Zhang Y, Liu W, He C. Effects of an- giotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor/angio- tensin receptor blocker use on cancer therapy- related cardiac dysfunction: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Heart Fail Rev. 2021; 26:101-109. 36. Caspani F, Tralongo AC, Campiotti L, Asteg- giano R, Guasti L, Squizzato A. Prevention of anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity: a syste- matic review and meta-analysis. Intern Emerg Med. 2021; 16: 477-486. 37. Obasi M, Abovich A, Vo JB et al. Statins to mi- tigate cardiotoxicity in cancer patients treated with anthracyclines and/or trastuzumab: a sys- tematic review and meta-analysis. Cancer Cau- ses Control. 2021; 32: 1395-1405. 38. Kim J, Nishimura Y, Kewcharoen J, Yess J. Statin use can attenuate the decline in left ventricu- lar ejection fraction and the incidence of car- diomyopathy in cardiotoxic chemotherapy reci- pients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Clin Med. 2021; 10: 3731. 39. Macedo AVS, Hajjar LA, Lyon AR et al. Efficacy of dexrazoxane in preventing anthracycline car- diotoxicity in breast cancer. JACC CardioOnco- logy. 2019; 1: 68-79. 40. Cardioxane. Ficha técnica. https://cima.aemps. es/cima/pdfs/es/ft/67673/67673_ft.pdf. (Acce- sido el 6 de marzo de 2023). 41. Martín A, Mitroi C, Mazón P et al. Stratifica- tion and management of cardiovascular risk in cancer patients: a consensus document of the SEC, FEC, SEOM, SEOR, SEHH, SEMG, AEE- MT, AEEC, and AECC. Rev Esp Cardiol (Engl Ed). 2021; 74: 438-448. 42. Lancellotti P, Suter TM, López-Fernández T et al. Cardio-oncology services: Rationale, organi- zation, and implementation. Eur Heart J. 2019; 40: 1756-1763. Si desea citar nuestro artículo: Tamargo J. La toxicidad cardiovascular de los fármacos anticancero- sos: el lado oscuro del éxito. An RANM. 2023;140(02): 153– 168. DOI: 10.32440/ar.2023.140.02 . rev05