Anales de la RANM

80 A N A L E S R A N M R E V I S T A F U N D A D A E N 1 8 7 9 MASTITIS GRANULOMATOSA Oprisan A, et al. An RANM. 2024;141(01): 77 - 80 BIBIOGRAFÍA 1. Barreto DS, Sedgwick EL, Nagi CS, Benve- niste AP. Granulomatous mastitis: Etiology, imaging, pathology, treatment, and clinical findings. Breast Cancer Res Tr. 2018; 171(3): 527-534. 4870-3 2. Omranipour R, Vasigh M. Mastitis, breast abscess, and granulomatous mastitis. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2020; 1252: 53-61. https://doi. org/10.1007/978-3-030-41596-9 7 3. Bentzon T, Theut AM, Kiær H, Bentzon N. [Granulomatous mastitis]. Ugeskr Laeger. 2021; 183(43): V03210279. 4. Yin Y, Liu X, Meng Q, Han X, Zhang H, Lv Y. Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis: Etio- logy, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment. J Invest Surg. 2022; 35(3): 709-720. 16 5. Llancari PA, Ortiz A, Becerra J, Muñoz R, Va- leriano C, Novoa RH. Treatment and mana- gement experience of idiopathic granuloma- tous mastitis in a low-income country. Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2023; 45(6): 319-324. 6. Marín Hernández C, Piñero Madrona A, Gil Vázquez PJ, Galindo Fernández PJ, Parrilla Paricio P. Mastitis granulomatosa idiopáti- ca: una rara entidad benigna que puede si- mular un cáncer de mama. Cir Españ. 2018; 96(3): 177-178. resp.2017.05.009 7. Kessler E, Wolloch Y. Granulomatous mastitis: a lesion clinically simulating carcinoma. Am J Clin Pathol.1972; 58(6): 642-646. https://doi. org/10.1093/ajcp/58.6.642 8. Sheybani F, Naderi H, Gharib M, Sarvghad M, Mirfeizi Z. Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis: Long-discussed but yet-to-be- known. Autoimmunity. 2016; 49(4): 236-239. 8221 9. Mabuchi S, Ohta R, Egawa K, Narai Y, Sano C. Granulomatous mastitis with erythema nodosum during pregnancy: a case report. Cureus. 2022; 14(5): e24990. https://doi. org/10.7759/cureus.24990 Si desea citar nuestro artículo: Oprisan A, Juan Gimeno JJ, Rubio Micó R. Mastitis granulo- matosa. An RANM. 2024;141(01): 77–80. DOI: 10.32440/ ar.2024.141.01.cc02