Anales de la RANM

126 A N A L E S R A N M R E V I S T A F U N D A D A E N 1 8 7 9 THE IMPACT OF MIGRATION IN FIRST-EPISODE PSYCHOSIS López Otega A et al. An RANM. 2024;141(02): 126 - 133 THE IMPACT OF MIGRATION ON FIRST-EPISODE PSYCHOSIS CLINICAL PRESENTATION AT BASELINE EL IMPAC TO DE LA MI GRAC IÓN EN LA PRESENTAC IÓN CL ÍNI CA BASAL DE LOS PR IMEROS EP I SODIOS PS I CÓT I COS Aitana López Ortega 1 ; Marta Rapado-Castro 2,3 ; Celso Arango 2,3 1. Student at the Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 2. Department of Legal Medicine, Psychiatry and Pathology (Psychiatry Area). School of Medicine - Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 3. Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry and Mental Health. Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañon, School of Medicine, Universidad Complutense, IiSGM, CIBERSAM. Madrid, Spain. Abstract Objectives: Our primary objective was to examine the clinical presentation and explore differences between migrant and native individuals with first-episode psychosis at baseline. A secondary objective was to explore specific factors contributing to the observed clinical manifestations in first-generation migrant individuals with first-episode psychosis, such as childhood adversities, sex, age, and age at migration. Methods: A naturalistic, observational, prospective, and case-control study was conducted. Statistical analyses included chi-squared tests for categorical variables, t-tests for continuous variables, ANOVA tests for comparisons between multiple groups, and multivariate generalized linear models to explore factors associated with clinical presentation in first-generation migrants. Results were considered statistically significant at p < 0.05. Results: Out of the sample of 363 subjects, 114 were first-generation migrants and 249 were native-born patients. In terms of clinical presentation, first-genera- tion migrants had significantly higher scores on the PANSS Negative subscale compared to natives (p < 0.01). Further analysis showed that this difference was driven by higher average scores in first-generation migrants compared to non-migrants (p < 0.027). First-generation migrants exhibited higher levels of childhood adversity compared to non-migrants. Multivariate analysis revealed that sex was a significant predictor of PANSS Negative scores in first-generation migrants, with men having higher scores than women. Conclusion: In our study, first-generation migrants, particularly men, showed more severe negative symptoms compared to natives. These findings support that the migratory condition should be considered when assessing subjects with first- episode psychosis, as this will help to characterise the pathology precisely and provide personalized clinical treatments. Resumen Objetivos: El primer objetivo fue examinar la presentación clínica y analizar las diferencias entre migrantes y nativos en la visita basal. El segundo objetivo fue explorar factores específicos que pudieran contribuir en la presentación clínica de los migrantes de primera generación con primeros episodios psicóticos, como las adversidades infantiles, el sexo, la edad y la edad de migración. Métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio naturalista, observacional, prospectivo, de casos y controles. Los análisis estadísticos incluyeron pruebas de chi-cuadrado para variables categóricas, pruebas de T-Student para variables continuas, pruebas de ANOVA para comparaciones entre múltiples grupos y un modelo lineal generalizado para explorar los factores asociados con la presentación clínica en migrantes de primera generación. Los resultados se consideraron estadísticamente significativos con p < 0.05. Resultados: De la muestra de 363 sujetos, 114 eran migrantes de primera generación y 249 eran nativos. Los migrantes de primera generación obtuvieron puntuaciones significativamente más altas en la subescala Negativa del PANSS en comparación Palabras clave: Migración; Presentación clínica; Primeros episodios psicóticos; Síntomas negativos. Keywords: Migration; Clinical presentation; First-episode psychosis; Negative symptoms. DOI: 10.32440/ar.2024.141.02 .org01 Enviado: 25.03.24 | Revisado: 01.04.24 | Aceptado: 07.05.24 O R I G I N A L Autor para la correspondencia Celso Arango López Real Academia Nacional de Medicina de España C/ Arrieta, 12 · 28013 Madrid Tlf.: +34 91 547 03 18 | E-Mail: