Anales de la RANM

203 A N A L E S R A N M R E V I S T A F U N D A D A E N 1 8 7 9 SIMULATED PERIPHERAL VEIN CATHETERIZATION SKILL Guasch E, et al. An RANM. 2024;141(03): 201 - 208 The total number of attempts was 200 (10 procedures each student on each model). (Fig. 1) For anonymization of the students and the correct handling of the information, each partici- pant student received an identification code with 3 values: first the student itself with a number from 1 to 10, second “a” for placenta group or “b” for mannequin group, third which number of performed procedure, also from 1 to 10. So, the record 1 a 10 means; student number 1, uses placenta (a) for his/her 10 th attempt. We considered “SUCCESS” of the PVC, when it was introduced the iv cannula in the selected vein and blood or fluid in the mannequin model flowing through this catheter on the first attempt. “FAILURE” was considered if any of the previous criteria was not fulfilled. We collected all data in an anonymized database Microsoft® Excel® 2019 MSO (version 2202 compila- tion 16.0.14931.20128). To compare the data collected, the absolute frequency and percentage of the qualitative variables are provided and, of the quantitative ones, the mean and standard deviation, if they follow a parametric distribution, or the median and range (non-parametric distribution). For the hypothesis contrast of the qualitative variables, the results were grouped into contingency tables and the Pearson Chi Square statistical test was applied. For quantitative variables, the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test (non-parametric test) was applied. The CUSUM statistical method (6) was applied, and a learning curve was developed for each student. If a curve reaches or crosses the lower limit, with a value on the Y axis of -2.24, it means that the success rate has been equal to or greater than 80% and the objective of acquiring the skill has been reached. If the curve exceeds the upper limit, with a value on the Y axis of 2.24, it means that the student has had a success rate of less than 60%, which is considered unacceptable for the acquisition of the competence and indicates that learning is uncontrolled. The space between both limits corresponds to a success rate of 60-80% and indicates that learning is under control. After completion of this part of the study, the participants were given an anonymous question- naire to assess their attitude towards PVC, after having tried both learning models. Questions 1 and 7 are dichotomous, with yes or no answers, questions 2-6 and 8 admit answers from 0 to 10, within a Likert scale (7), and questions 9 and 10 are open questions. (Table 1) RESULTS 100% of students performed the procedures both in placenta and mannequin. Data collection and procedures took 3 weeks, from January 20 th , 2022 to February 8 th 2022. The global percentage of success and failures on each group is shown in (Fig.2). No differences were found between groups (Pearson Chi square p=0,3). We compared each student success rate with each model, applying Chi square test. 8 of these students did not show differences in success rate (p>0,05), and student 5 and 10 showed differences (p=0,05 and p=0,02 respectively) (Fig.3) We tried to determine if 10 attempts per student were enough to reach the competence. For that goal, we used CUSUM method to build learning curves. In group “1” (placenta), all the students, except numbers 1 and 9, reached the competence after a mean of 5 attempts (range 4-8). In group “2” (mannequins) all the students, except numbers 1 and 10, reached the competence after a mean of 6 attempts (range 5-9). Neither of the students were under the unacceptable level of competence. (Fig.4) Figure 1. Mannequin model (A) and placental model (B) after its use by students.