Anales de la RANM

207 A N A L E S R A N M R E V I S T A F U N D A D A E N 1 8 7 9 SIMULATED PERIPHERAL VEIN CATHETERIZATION SKILL Guasch E, et al. An RANM. 2024;141(03): 201 - 208 they felt during their training (19). For this reason, it is important to consider the perception of the learning esperience of the students themselves, reflected in satisfaction surveys (16). In our study, all the participants considered in the surveys that they had learned the PVC technique with placentas very well and the students found PVC less difficult compared to the mannequins. In summary, the majority considered themselves ready to perform a PVC in vivo and highly evaluated the use of simula- tion for practical teaching in Medicine. We found several limitations to our study: The availability and useful life of the mannequins is limited, favoring demotivation in the simula- tion session, since many of them are repeatedly punctured in the same places. Sometimes the filling mechanisms are technically complex and may require specific technical assistance. The availability of placentas depends on whether there are deliveries at the hospital, although the fact that it is a biological product makes the variation in the arrangement of the placental veins similar to the variability also found in the daily clinical practice. Simulation in LMICs is not an easy task, and different strategies have been developed to increase the access to this kind of resources.(20) Low cost models have been implemented success- fully in some LMICs (21) Training programs, as SAFE programs developed by WFSA (22) and others (23) are useful, and in this context, our model is an additional strategy to teach the PVC skill easily and cheap. The placenta model is cheaper, as it is a biolog- ical product that is usually discarded is reused, compared to a mannequin and its maintenance. Placental vessels look more real and versatile in the touch of the tissue and the thickness of the vessels, presenting different degrees of difficulty depending on the caliber of the vascular tree. The PVC simulation activity with the placenta could be part of the students' curriculum during their clinical rotation, under the direct supervision of the students' teachers and/or tutors. FINANCING STATEMENT Support came solely from institutional and/or departmental sources. CONFLICT OF INTEREST STATEMENT The authors of this article declare that they have no conflict of interest with respect to what is expressed in this work. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Oliveira MM, Wendling L, Malheiros JA et al. Human placenta simulator for intracranial- intracranial bypass: Vascular anatomy and 5 bypass techniques. World Neurosurg. 2018; 119: e694-e702. 2. Guasch E, Brogly N, Gilsanz F. Placental veins catheterization: a realistic simulation model for medical students. Anesthesiology. 2021; 135: 191-192. 3. 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