Simulated peripheral vein catheterization skill. A fresh placental model may be a good model in low resource settings. Is it as good as the "gold standard"?
Habilidad simulada de cateterismo de venas periféricas. Un modelo placentario fresco puede ser un buen modelo en entornos de bajos recursos. ¿Es tan bueno como el "gold standard"?

Abstract Introduction: Nowadays, practical learning is an important part of Medicine degree, and even more in low- and middle-income countries…

Postoperative Blood Salvage after knee arthroplasty: are they still useful? A retrospective cohort study
Recuperadores de sangre postoperatorios tras la artroplastia de rodilla: ¿siguen siendo útiles? Un estudio de cohortes retrospectivo

Abstract Background and Goal of Study: Blood salvage (BS) is important to implement the second pillar of Patient Blood Management…